A wonderful Meditation and Mindfulness Retreat in a beautiful environment at Healesville
Gardens at Maitripa
This Meditation Retreat is a wonderful time to meditate, walk, relax, and find the true peace of your own consciousness.
There will be time for yourself, at the deepest level. Meditation is available at anytime you choose, as well as during the timetabled communal session. During free time you might like to walk in the 50 acres of bushland that is included in this property – on the other hand, you might instead sneak off to Healesville for a cappuccino!
You are encouraged to make a time with Mataji for a private chat if there is anything you’d like to talk about or gain insight into.
Date: September 10th – 12th 2021 at Maitripa Centre Healesville
Fee: $475 concession $450
Booking: email info@classicalyoga.com.au or Ph 03 9833 4050
I just want to hang out in a meditative environment
Never meditated before? Not sure how to meditate? Don’t worry, the easiest way to meditate is with others. Somehow, we fall into meditation, when everyone else is too. Let Mataji or Danni know if you are a real beginner… we’ll be gentle!
Not sure what sort of meditation this retreat will do? Well, principally stillness of mind. Why? Because consciousness is bigger than thinking, and it is very easy to plunge into it. However, if requested, we might lead another method from time to time.
I don’t want any spiritual hocus pocus Gosh.., what about being ok with reality? That’s the highest spirituality. But as a poet (TS Eliot) once said “mankind cannot bear very much reality” And there is an abundance of nature to contemplate
I want spirituality Same deal. How much reality can you bear?
Swami Shantananda
Want mindfulness rather than meditation? Mindfulness is meditation while active. We eat mindfully, walk mindfully. and we can practice mindfulness as a form of meditation, starting with deep non-critical sensory awareness.
I’m a meditation teacher, what’s in this meditation retreat for me?
What do you teach? These days there is no single answer to “what does a meditation teacher teach?” You may find that you pick up something outside your current range. Or deepen your practice. Or share your insights with others. Or simply settle into deep peace!
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Who Goes To A Meditaiton Retreat?
Retreat Schedule(Subject to minor changes)