• What’s New?

  • The opposite of "old" of course.  Hahahaha!


    But here's what's new this term

  • Learn Still-Mind Meditation and Mindfulness

    If you are not used to meditating  in stillness, learn methods to get yourself established - and to take a stillness mindfulness into every day life.  6 Wednesdays, morning or evening,

    Starting Thursday 25th July



  • Group Mindfulness and Resilience:Self-Enquiry

    Explore your mindfulness and resilience as we practice together to check out our purposefulness and responsiveness.

    1x8 hours

    Thursdays, 11.30 am - 12.30 pm  or Thursdays 8.00 - 9.00 pm






    Next term we'll offer the Learn Resilience program again. This term it will be an eight week program of 20 hours, including a group practice to get it happening in daily life situations.  More soon


    And the Learn Still-mind Medtitation and MIndfulness will be timetabled again, as the request for learner programs is pretty constant.


    And - excitement - we are offering a snippet out of the Classical Yoga teachers program on the Yoga Sutras - for anyone! See below

  • Ancient Foundations

  • The Classical Yoga teacher trainees get to read and study some life-transforming notes from ancient times on what meditation is and how it affects our understanding of our self.

    Until now, the people not in the training course have only been able to wonder. The families of the trainees will often say how their yoga teacher members have become easier to live with, and how they seem to have a more practical slant on life, and have wondered why ordinary Yoga classes don't do it much for anyone. Some have even heard of the Yoga Sutras - but still don't "get it"

    Well, it takes a good teacher to show how  these old Sanskrit sutras had plenty to offer to any 21st century person who wants to penetrate the "veil of illusion", as it has been called, metaphorically.  Really, the Yoga Sutras are about reality, pure and simple.  Finding that we live in illusion until we figure it out, that is what the teacher trainees have got. Hopefully anyway!

    At last we are offering a glimpse into it for anyone who is interested.

    It will be in the form of a 6 week program exploring the principal sutras, and seeing what sense they make to a modern mind and in a modern lifestyle

    Tuesday 7th May- 11th June